The first I heard of Del's passing was here at the website. I was shocked! Del was a great guy and I never really knew him in high school. We met at college and had several classes together and were members of the same study group. I kept in touch with Del after college for a while and then careers just seemed to some how get in the way. I reached out to Del in 1996 and we went to breakfast after which I never heard from him again. After speaking with his brother Gary who attended our reunion, he explained that Del must have gotten sick within weeks of our getting together. I am glad Gary came and represented his brother at the reunion. Del will be missed.
Beth Gaylord (Borelli)
Del died of cancer in 1997. He lived in Henrietta, was married and had 2 beautiful children.
David Levine
The first I heard of Del's passing was here at the website. I was shocked! Del was a great guy and I never really knew him in high school. We met at college and had several classes together and were members of the same study group. I kept in touch with Del after college for a while and then careers just seemed to some how get in the way. I reached out to Del in 1996 and we went to breakfast after which I never heard from him again. After speaking with his brother Gary who attended our reunion, he explained that Del must have gotten sick within weeks of our getting together. I am glad Gary came and represented his brother at the reunion. Del will be missed.
David Levine
Kathy Ciulla
Adelbert C. Line